Jamie Branson

Streaming Media Mentor & FAST Channel Expert

FAST Channels

FAST Channels are what make FAST work, curatng content by time of day and and wrapping it up in a brand can make or break a viewer connection. FAST channels are not the same as on-demand streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video. On-demand streaming services allow you to choose what to watch from a vast catalog of content, and you can pause, rewind, or skip ahead as you wish. FAST channels, on the other hand, provide a lean-back experience that mimics the feeling of watching traditional TV. You can browse through different channels and watch whatever is on without having to make a decision.

Kapang unfreezes FAST distribution with a 7-day launch for OTT FAST channels via existing service providers

Kapang opens platform to OTT FAST channels - FAST Broadcaster. Kapang is a platform developed to appreciate audience demands following cord-cutting trends. Kapang delivers broadcast television channels & niche audience channels across 14 genres. Although Kapang is dedicated to providing…

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